Memorandum of Cooperation signing between ECERDC and Knaus Campingpark

A Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) was signed on 28 August 2022 between the East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC) and Knaus Campingpark.
The collaboration aims to expand cooperation to foster and strengthen the development of the recreational vehicle (RV) camping parks industry, as well as related industry and technology between ECERDC and Knaus Campingpark in the East Coast Economic Region (ECER).
ECERDC was represented by YBhg. Dato’ Ragu Sampasivam, ECERDC’s Chief Operating Officer while Knaus Campingpark was represented by its Chief Executive Officer, Sandra Knaus. Also present at the MoC signing was Mr Daniel Onggowinarso, Managing Director of Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. (CIVD), the industry association that represents the caravanning industry in Germany and Bernhard Schutte, Chairman of TAPiO Management Advisory.
The signing of the MoC is also in conjunction with ECERDC’s mission to the Caravan Salon Dusseldorf, where ECERDC will engage with potential investors and lock in the investment interests in RV manufacturing secured from ECERDC’s earlier mission to Germany in June 2022.